Ceramix Blue basin mixer with nickel and lead free waterways, 40 mmClick catridge with hot water limit stop, cool body, aerator cascadeM24X1, Top fix, flexible hoses G3/8‘‘, metal pop-up waste, chrome.
Technical DataCeramix Blue bidet mixer with a maximum 5lt/min flow-rate,with 40 mm Click catridge with hot water limit stop, cool body, aeratorball joint with maximum 5 lt/min flow-rate, top fix, flexible hosesG3/8‘‘, metal pop-up waste, chrome
Technical DataCeramix Blue bath & shower exposed mixer without accessories, withnickel free waterways, 47 mm Click cartridge with hot water limit stop,aerator cascade M24X1, automatic diverter, escutcheons, S-connectorsand integrated check valve, chrome.
Technical DataCeramix Blue shower exposed mixer without accessories, with nickelfree waterways, 47mm Click cartridge with hot water limit stop, escutcheons,S-connectors and integrated check valve, chrome
Technical DataCeramix Blue bath & shower built-in, kit 2, with nickel free waterways,47 mm Click cartridge with hot water limit stop, automatic diverter,chrome, for combination with kit 1 A2650NU.
Technical DataCeramix Blue shower built-in, kit 2, with nickel free waterways, 47 mmClick cartridge with hot water limit stop, chrome, for combination withkit 1 A2650NU.
Technical Data