Connect basin mixer 1 hole, with nickel and lead free waterways, 40mm Click catridge, hot water limiter, flexible hoses SPX G3/8‘‘, Easyfix,cascade aerator M24x1, centering and sealing ring, pull-up rodand metal non polished pop-up waste, chrome
Technical DataConnect bidet mixer 1 hole, with 40 mm Click catridge, hot water limiter,flexible hoses SPX G3/8‘‘, Easy-fix, ball-joint aerator M24x1, centeringand sealing ring, pull-up rod and plastic pop-up waste, chrome
Technical DataConnect bath & shower exposed mixer without accessories, with 47mm Click cartridge, hot temperature limiter, automatic diverter, adjustableescutcheons, S-connectors, integrated check valve, chrome.
Technical DataConnect shower exposed mixer without accessories, with 47 mm Clickcartridge, hot temperature limiter, adjustable escutcheons, S-connectors,integrated check valve, chrome.
Technical DataConnect bath & shower built-in, kit 2, 47 mm Click cartridge, pull-outknob for diverter and hot temperature limiter, chrome.
Technical DataEasy Box kit 1, internal built in part for built in fittings, with pipeconnections, fixation feet and fixation holes, support for accurate andreliable positioning both horizontally and vertically, grooves to facilitatetrimming of the protruding parts of the box and flushing device.
Technical Data